سياسة خاصة

Data controller 
The data controller is Medical Aid for Palestinians, 33a Islington Park Street, London, N1 1QB. 
Why we collect and use your data 
The information you provide when applying for a post here / agreeing to work here will be used in the following ways: 
  • To recruit and appoint our staff 
    • To support and manage our staff and to discharge our contractual   obligations 
  • To maintain our accounts and records, including payroll 
  • To manage our activities 
    • To fulfil our legal obligations, including checking your right to work and engaging with HMRC over income tax and national insurance  
If you are not willing to provide all the information requested, we will be unable to process your application. 
How we will hold and take care of your information  
in considering your application, MAP will treat the information given in this form in confidence; 
  • not disclose information to any third party (apart from trustees if they are involved with the recruitment process) without your prior agreement; 
Retention of data 
You have the right to request to see all the information held about you on any record at MAP. We retain the details of all unsuccessful applicants for positions at MAP for six months from the date of the advertisement.  If you do not wish us to retain your details in this way, please let us know and we will dispose of your application form after the recruitment process is over.